
Ninja Sensei Trash Art and Rock Climbing.



Hello everyone, Its Michael. Here is a video of my weekend which I hope you enjoy. Also, read below to see why I am called Ninja Sensei. Also, I recommend using this as a listening exercise. After you try to understand my sentences, you can look at the transcript below.


Ninja Sensei Here,

I’m making this video while hanging upside down from a tree.

I had a very adventurous weekend.

The first activity was hanging up Art in N3 Gallery.

The second activity was going for a 10-mile bike ride.

And the last activity was going rock climbing behind Seminar Park

Ninja Sensei Out

Upside down: This means that the upside (head and upper body) is facing down and your feet are facing up.
     -Example: John was hanging upside down from the jungle gym.

Adventurous: This describes something that is exciting and you enjoy doing.
     -Example: Mikes likes adventurous activities very much.

Hang up: This usually means to put something on a wall (like a picture).
     -Example: I will hang the picture on the wall tomorrow morning.

Ninja Sensei: My students gave me the name “Ninja Sensei” when I first came to Japan because of the shoes I wore. The shoes area called Vibram FiveFingers Shoes in America but my Japanese students have never seen them before. They asked what they were and I told them they were Ninja shoes. After that, I was called Ninja Sensei.

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