Hello everyone! I’m Alex. I’ve been Japan for almost 2 years now. I’ve been to many places in Japan, especially Western Japan, and I’m sure you have too. So, I won’t talk about Japan. Instead, in December of 2018 I went to Taiwan. It was my first time to Taiwan, and I ate so many delicious foods and saw many interesting things. I loved it!ここが私の泊まった台北グランドホテルです。豪華な建築で、居心地も良く素晴らしいホテルでした。
Here is the hotel I stayed at. The Taipei Grand Hotel. It was a magnificent hotel. Gorgeous architecture and very comfortable.ジォウフェンという台湾で人気のある場所にも行ってきました。ここはスタジオジブリの映画「千と千尋の神隠し」のモデルになった場所だったと思います。しかし、たくさんの人が通りを埋め尽くしていて、小さな山間の町をなかなか楽しめませんでした。
One day in Taiwan I visited the popular area of Jiufen. I guess it was a place where the famous Studio Ghibli movie, Spirited Away, had some inspiration from. However there were many, many, many people. It was really hard to enjoy the small mountain town with its crowded, small streets with so many people, so I didn't really like it in Jiufen.ここで、食べ物を紹介します!
Now for the most important part: food!![]() |
Famous "stinky tofu". It was very stinky but the taste was not bad. 臭豆腐です。臭いが強烈ですが、味は悪くありません。 |
Famous Taiwanese dumplings. They were absolutely delicious.
Some delicious duck and tofu I had at a very nice restaurant.
Overall I really liked my time in Taiwan, and I look forward to going back and eating more delicious Taiwanese food!